Friday, March 1, 2013

First Baby Blanket

Here it is! My first baby blanket! I crocheted this last Summer/Fall. All I used was a simple single crochet to make it. It's about 110 stitches across. I don't know how many rows. I just kept stitching until there wasn't enough yarn to make a new row. I don't know if you can see the color very well. It's a light, sea green color. I actually started making one a couple years ago but, unfortunately, it got ruined our apartment fire. No way was I going to try and salvage it, along with the unused yarn. For a while I wasn't sure I wanted to redo it, but last year I decided to do it anyway. I wanted to do something very simple and easy, I went with a skein(ball, roll, etc, for those who aren't familiar with the term) of yarn that was not only one color, but also big enough that I could do a baby blanket with just one skein. I'm glad I went ahead and remade it. It was a lot of fun and, in my opinion, rather therapeutic for me in dealing with the fire. My goal has been to get good enough to make and donate baby blankets to local hospitals and this helped me rekindle that desire. Usually, when I make something new, like my first scarf or hat, etc, I don't give away the first one. I keep it for sentimental value. To remind me of how far I've come and that I can do anything if I really want to. So, although I have made a couple exceptions so far, this one I will keep for my own children to enjoy someday. This is only the first of many blankets yet to be made. In fact, I have already made and given away a second blanket, but that is for another post. Stay tuned, I'll be posting about that one real soon.

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